From the Publisher: Early Fall, 2016

By | August 30, 2016
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Did you know there are nearly 90 Edible publications across North America (three in Canada)? As publisher, I receive copies of many of our sister publications and each issue inspires me. I especially enjoy receiving Edibles from areas I’ve lived or visited—the stories take me back to places I love, the local recipes make me nostalgic and I can catch up with people I’ve left behind. Then there are Edibles from places I want to visit—getting the local lowdown on the people, places and food of a destination helps me plan (or fantasize) a future trip. Each Edible is a resource that shines a light on the local food community; together, they tell the inspiring story of good things happening in the local food movement that is gaining momentum all across the continent.

Inside Issue 9 we have a Spirits Guide to help you find locally crafted small-batch spirits. We delve into the world of spirits: from team spirit to spirits on oak to haunted halls and creatures of the night. We’re inspired to tell the stories in a way that gets behind the story and connects us to the people and place. Thanks to Managing Editor Francine Spiering—who makes sure each of those stories has the Edible pizzazz—and to our writers and photographers we can once again put forward a beautiful and thought-provoking issue that will help you be the local insider in Houston.

With all the top-quality food journalism taking place in the Edible community, I am beyond proud to announce that Edible Houston has won two Eddy Awards! “A Family Tradition of Tamaladas” (Nov/Dec 2015) by Jenna K. White won both Critics’ and Readers’ Choice Awards in the Best Regional Recipe category. Congrats and thanks to Jenna! As always, I’m thankful to our Insiders Club members and our advertisers. Without their support we couldn’t tell our stories. Please support our advertisers—they are true believers in the local community! And become a member (if you aren’t already) and help us support the local food community!
